91+ 8919121300



Anti Rabies Serum (Premi-RAB) contains purified enzyme refined equine immunoglobulin fraction – Low Fc content minimizes possibility of anaphylactic reactions.


Mainly administered for passive immunity to the patients being bitten and scratched by rabies or other animals carrying rabies virus.

  • (Enzyme refined equine immunoglobulins) – Liquid
  • Each ml of Rabies Anti Serum contains not less than 300 I.U.
  • Phenol (Preservative) - NMT 0.25% w/v
  • Sodium Chloride I.P. - Excipient

    Rabies Antiserum should be given immediately after the bite preferably within 24 hours of animal bite to get maximum benefit. It can be administered up to 7 days after administration of first dose of vaccine. Recommended dose is 40 IU/kg body weight up to a maximum of 3000 I.U. Children and adults to receive the same dose of 40 IU/kg. of body weight. As much of the calculated dose as anatomically feasible should be infiltrated into and around the wounds. The rest of the dose should be given intramuscularly as a single dose (in the gluteal region) followed by a complete course of vaccine, but in a different part of the body (upper part of arms, deltoid region). If calculated dose is insufficient to infiltrate all wounds, It can be diluted in Normal saline 2-3 folds. Immunocompromised / immunosupressed individuals even with Category II exposures need Rabies Antiserum.


    It should be stored at +2˚ to + 8˚ C. Do not freeze and keep protected from heat.


    Two years.


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